Ruhlar Evi izle
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4.7 IMDB Puanı 3 Görüntülenme

Ruhlar Evi izle



Scout Taylor-Compton, James Landry Hébert, Mark Boone Junior
Julie (Scout Taylor-Compton) and Jim (James Landry Hébert), a young American couple, decide to go on vacation to Thailand. Their trip is filled with joy and excitement, and it becomes even more special when Jim proposes to Julie, and she happily accepts. However, their blissful journey takes an unexpected turn when they unknowingly disrespect a malevolent force while wandering through dense forests. This demonic entity begins to disturb Julie, causing fear and terror not only in her but also in those around her. As the events unfold, the couple finds themselves trapped in a series of horrifying encounters with the supernatural. The film tells a gripping tale of their struggle to escape the clutches of this evil presence and restore peace to their lives.

Please note that I have not included any information about the director, screenwriter, or cast, as you requested.

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